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Victory Discipleship Training
Study Tips and Tools
How I Study the Bible: Tips and Tools (33:52)
Identity In Yeshua
Identity and Spiritual Warfare Part 1 (48:44)
Spiritual Warfare and Intercession Part 2 (70:11)
Applying Salvation to Life. (24:04)
Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance Training. (42:08)
Emotional Healing (48:40)
Daily Armour of Yah
Walking The Walk
Oil and Annointing - Walking in Your Purpose (43:56)
The Seven Churches of Revelation Part 1 (36:31)
7 Churches, Rapture and Tribulation. (98:00)
Are you staying in the Wilderness or Headed to the Land? (174:00)
Gospel Studies
Matthew 24 & Luke 12: End Times, Yeshuas Return and Beating Servants (30:49)
Money and Finances
Get that Bread. Earthly Currency vs Heavenly Currency (68:38)
WHY the Sabbath? Part 1 Sabbath Deep Study. (64:17)
HOW to Sabbath? Part 2 Sabbath Deep Study. (62:31)
Unleavened Bread, Passover (47:55)
First Fruits and Counting the Omer (32:25)
Temple Menorah Symbols and Preparing for Shavout (33:44)
Festival of Trumpets, Day 1 רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה א (47:47)
Festival of Trumpets, Day 2 רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה ב (53:10)
Sukkot I Festival of Booths, Day 1 סוּכּוֹת א׳ (60:00)
Sukkot Day 2 readings - This is the study from Oct 7 when War started in Isreal (117:25)
Understanding the Harvest Seasons and Symbols! (46:56)
Yom Kippur Readings (61:15)
Healing and Deliverance
The Principals of Healing (43:24)
Fear and Idolatry! Get Freedom from Fear. (50:39)
Spiritual Warfare Printable Cards
Commandments and Mitzvot
The Ten Words (Ten Commandments) (28:05)
The Shema Prayer. (38:05)
Food Commands (19:08)
Let's Talk About Galations!! (89:42)
Weekly Torah Portion Studies
Shelach Send — שְׁלַח (115:28)
Mattot-Massei Tribes-Journeys — מַּטּוֹת־מַסְעֵי (110:54)
Va'etchanan I pleaded — וָאֶתְחַנַּן (91:46)
Ekev Consequence — עֵקֶב (84:41)
Re'eh See — רְאֵה (92:38)
Shoftim Judges — שׁוֹפְטִים (89:59)
Ki Tetze When You Go כִּי־תֵצֵא (175:14)
Ki Tavo When You Come כִּי־תָבוֹא (93:31)
Nitzavim-Vayelech You Are Standing-And He Went נִצָּבִים־וַיֵּלֶךְ (90:01)
Ha'azinu-Give Ear הַאֲזִינוּ (48:03)
B'reisheet-In the Beginning בְּרֵאשִׁית (127:32)
Noach-Noah נֹחַ (97:53)
Lech Lecha - Go Out לֶךְ־לְךָ (108:26)
Chayei Sarah - Life of Sarah חַיֵּי שָֹרָה (106:25)
Toldot - Generations תּוֹלְדוֹת (112:07)
Vayetze - And He Went Out וַיֵּצֵא (103:29)
Vayishlach - And He Sent וַיִּשְׁלַח (136:41)
Vayeshev - And He Dwelt וַיֵּשֶׁב (99:40)
Miketz - At the End מִקֵּץ (86:42)
Vayigash - And He Came Near וַיִּגַּשׁ (78:05)
Vayechi - And He Lived וַיְחִי (86:13)
Shemot - Names שְׁמוֹת (111:28)
Va'era - And I Appeared וָאֵרָא (120:32)
Bo - Come בֹּא (125:43)
Beshalach - When He Sent בְּשַׁלַּח (91:57)
Yitro - Jethro יִתְרוֹ (148:17)
Mishpatim - Judgments מִּשְׁפָּטִים (116:04)
Terumah - Heave Offering תְּרוּמָה (93:18)
Tetzaveh - You Shall Command תְּצַוֶּה (103:55)
Ki Tisa - When You Take כִּי תִשָּׂא (118:02)
Vayak'hel - And He Assembled וַיַּקְהֵל (80:40)
Pekudei - Accounts פְקוּדֵי (107:04)
Vayak'hel-Pekudei - And He Assembled-Accounts וַיַּקְהֵל־פְקוּדֵי (106:01)
Tzav - Command צַו (129:13)
Shemini - Eighth שְּׁמִינִי (131:20)
Tazria - Conceived תַזְרִיעַ (95:25)
Metzora - Leper מְּצֹרָע (113:57)
Acharei Mot - After the Death אַחֲרֵי מוֹת (157:26)
Emor - Say אֱמוֹר (175:46)
Behar - On Mount Sinai בְּהַר (170:48)
Bechukotai - In My Statutes בְּחֻקֹּתַי (69:22)
Bamidbar - In the Wilderness בְּמִדְבַּר (149:06)
Nasso - Make an Accounting נָשׂא (117:52)
Beha’alotcha - When You Set Up בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ (126:53)
Study Sheets to Print
Bible Character Study Sheet
Prayer Journal Pages to Print and Use
Shema Prayer Art
Sermon Notes Bible Study Page
Daily Devotional Bible Study Guide
Chapter Study Bible Study Worksheet
S.O.A.P. Bible Study Tool
Bible Reading Tracker
Our Father Prayer in English and Aramaic
Hebrew Word Study Tool
Verse Mapping Study Tool
Healing and Journal Excercises
Future Self Daily Journal Excercise (Healing and Mindset)
Unleavened Bread, Passover
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